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Pos Logistics: Pinktober for Breast Cancer Awareness!

#EmbracingPinktober: Unite for Breast Cancer Awareness!

At Pos Logistics Berhad, we’re proud to be a part of the DRB-HICOM Berhad Group. Every year, on the 19th of October, all subsidiaries within the group join hands to celebrate #Pinktober.

Our celebration of Pinktober is truly in the spirit of unity and awareness, as we come together as #OneTeam in support of and to encourage colleagues who may be fighting their own battles.

Yes, we do this every day within our own circles, but come 19th October, our efforts become amplified in hope that we can share knowledge and awareness with colleagues, families, friends and community, extending our commitment to educate everyone we’re connected to about breast cancer prevention and early detection.

Why #Pinktober? This is our commitment to honour the strength, resilience, and courage of everyone facing the challenges of breast cancer, and in support of those who care for them too.

In Malaysia, this cause hits close to home, as breast cancer is unfortunately the most common form of cancer among our female population. It affects our mothers, wives, sisters, friends, and colleagues. In fact, statistics show that 1 in 19 women in Malaysia will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. It’s a reality that we cannot afford to ignore.

But here’s the good news: Early detection can save lives. When breast cancer is detected in its early stages, the chances of recovery are remarkably high. That’s why Pinktober for us goes beyond awareness; it’s a call to action.


A breast cancer diagnosis is never the end of the road. With advancements in medical science, support from our loved ones, and the power of a positive mindset, many survivors go on to lead meaningful, fulfilling lives after their treatments. Let’s celebrate the survivors and the warriors who have faced breast cancer head-on. Their stories are beacons of hope, reminding us that life after breast cancer is not only possible but often incredibly meaningful..

Breast cancer doesn’t discriminate by gender. While it’s less common in men, they too can be affected. Let’s ensure that everyone understands the importance of breast self-exams and regular screenings, regardless of their gender.

In memory of the whole month of October which all of us painted pink, we look back with compassion, understanding, and support. Let’s stand together in the fight against breast cancer, and united, we can truly make a difference.

Join us in raising awareness, offering support, and spreading hope. Together, we can make every month a Pinktober.

#Pinktober #BreastCancerAwareness #PosLogistics #DRBHICOM #StrengthInUnity #EarlyDetectionSavesLives